Key Milestones
Follow-Up Roundtable Discussion in Astana
October 31st, 2023
Key Participants
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazahkstan, BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the HSE Centre for Technology Transfer, the TALAP Center for Applied Research, the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), international and national experts and stakeholders.
Key Discussions result mainly from the presentat
to restore 57 million hectares of degraded land through carbon farming practices, which would improve soil quality and benefit 4.3 million people reliant on agriculture.
to trade carbon removal credits internationally as a key income stream for farmers.
to employ effective governance systems for managing carbon farming programs and ensuring the optimal allocation of carbon offsets for both national obligations and international trading.
to restore ecosystems and improving livelihoods, particularly for women and youth in rural areas, while promoting climate adaptation.
to become a hub for carbon trading in Eurasia, with an emphasis on establishing transparent mechanisms to support the commodification of carbon credits.